Menstrual health issues

Menstrual health issues

Menstrual health

Menstruation is a natural part of every woman’s reproductive cycle and it occurs every month normally. In it, every woman bleeds from the vagina for 3 to 7 days and sheds the inner lining of her uterus. The process of menstruation involves certain hormonal changes in the body every month. Maintaining good menstrual health is quite crucial to managing the overall health of females. Because this topic is not discussed openly, it is the reason many females especially in remote areas do not know how to manage their menstruation health and hygiene.

Why menstrual health is important?

It is very important to keep an eye on your menstrual health. Normal menstruation parameters may vary for different females. It can be light to heavy bleeding with varying numbers of days. Menstruation can also bring discomfort for some females like severe pain, nausea, diarrhea, and digestive problem. It is necessary to visit a gynecologist if you feel anything abnormal in your routine. Moreover, maintaining hygiene in menstruation days is very critical otherwise it can be the source of several other complications. It includes the usage of sanitary pads and clean toilets.

Menstruation related problems

Menstruation problems include heavy bleeding, very mild bleeding, and the entire absence of menstruation. Some other associated health problems are also experienced by some women like cramping, constipation, diarrhea, and others.

Heavy bleeding

Heavy bleeding or menorrhagia is a very common menstruation problem in which a female bleeds more than a normal limit. Bleeding may continue for more than seven days and the flow is very high. It can cause fatigue, weakness, tiredness, and anemia.

 Causes: Causes behind heavy or prolonged bleeding include;

  • Uterine fibroids: Noncancerous tumors in the uterus wall can be the reason behind heavy menstrual bleeding. They can also cause severe cramps or pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Uterine polyps: It is the overgrowth of the inner lining of the uterus wall inside the uterus. When menstruation starts and the uterus contracts to expel the inner lining, it causes pain and prolonged bleeding.
  • Ovulation problems or PCOS: when the uterus is ready to implant an embryo but there is no ovulation from the ovaries; the uterus wall may thicken beyond a normal limit and bleeds more during periods.
  • Hormonal disturbance: Enhanced production of Prolactin or estrogen leads to the imbalance of other hormones like progesterone, FSH, and LH. It disturbs normal menstruation and may cause heavy bleeding or missed periods.

Absent or no periods (Amenorrhea)

Absent periods or amenorrhea is the condition in which a female does not have menstruation at all or she had missed her periods for 3 months. The condition is diagnosed at the age of 16 years when a girl does not have her first periods yet. This is called primary amenorrhea while secondary amenorrhea is the condition when a female has missed periods for more than 6 months. This condition needs significant treatment to manage female health. Amenorrhea occurs in 3 to 4 % of women.

Causes: Responsible causes behind amenorrhea include;

  • Hormonal problems: Hormonal imbalance directly affects the reproductive health of a woman. Abnormal levels of LH, FSH, estrogen, and Prolactin due to disturbance in signals from the master gland affect menstruation. This may lead to PCOS, missed periods, or completely absent periods.
  • Anorexia nervosa: It is an eating disorder in which a female drops her weight to an alarming level. Fat in our body is involved in the production of estrogen and a sudden reduction in fat drops the level of estrogen too. It causes an imbalance in other reproductive hormones and may lead to stop menstruation or miss for some months.
  • Obesity: obesity also leads to hormonal issues in a female body. It is the common reason in young females behind amenorrhea.

Irregular periods

It is the condition when a female does not complete her reproductive cycle in 28 days and may skip the periods for a month or more. This problem is common in young girls. Generally, periods are considered irregular when the length of the cycle varies by more than 20 days every time.

Causes: Certain causes behind irregular periods include:

  • Pelvic inflammatory diseases: Sexually transmitted diseases and vaginal infections may lead to inflammatory diseases in the pelvic area which further affects normal menstruation.
  • Obesity: Obesity is the common reason behind irregular menstruation as extra fat in the body alters the levels of estrogen hormone. High levels of estrogen affect menstruation and may cause irregular or heavy periods.
  • Thyroid hormone problems: Hyperthyroidism (overproduction of thyroid hormone) disturbs normal menstruation. It may lead to missed periods or very minor bleeding.
  • Hormonal imbalance: Abnormal level of hormones that complete the reproductive cycle in females disturbs menstruation. They can cause PCOS further leading to missed periods.

Painful menstruation (Dysmenorrhea)

Besides considering the flow of blood in menstruation, painful menstruation is also a common problem. More than half of the females complain this issue of having severe cramps in the lower belly, pain in the thighs and lower back which further cause low blood pressure and nausea.


Causes: Dysmenorrhea is linked to other health problems and its symptoms worsen over time as the female grows older. The main reasons are;

  • Endometriosis: It is the growth of the uterus lining outside the uterus. Abnormal growth affects the levels of estrogen hormone. When this lining breaks down at the end of the cycle, it causes swelling and pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Ovarian cysts: Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that may induce pain at ovulation time.
  • Fibroids: These are the tumors that grow in the uterine wall. They are non-cancerous but they may induce vaginal bleeding around period time and pain in the pelvic area.
  • Migraine: Simply migraine starts due to stress, missing a meal, caffeine, or some other reasons but menstrual migraine is because of a drop in estrogen levels. Almost 12% of Americans experience migraines. Menstrual migraines usually start three days before your periods due to changes in the level of estrogen. Migraine in females can also be triggered due to excessive use of birth control pills and by taking hormone replacement therapy.

Treatment of menstrual problems

To maintain normal health, it is essential to report to a health care professional forget treated. If these conditions are left untreated, they may cause many other health issues like infertility, skin problems, and other hormonal changes in the body. People for centuries are relying on herbal medicines to treat menstrual health problems. The success of these medicines is evident from the fact that their usage has not declined over hundreds of years. They are natural hormone stimulators with almost no reported side effects.

Best herbal product to treat menstrual problems

Herbo Natural has introduced a polyherbal liquid formula that has many benefits regarding menstrual health. “Mensolen syrup” is one of the most successful products in managing menstrual health and reducing uncomfortable symptoms. Its benefits include:

  • Curing menstrual irregularities
  • Managing missed periods
  • Control on excessive bleeding
  • Repairing female reproductive organs
  • Treatment of PCOS

Its efficacy is evident from its ingredients which have several important properties.


Herbs “Sundh” and “Nagarmotha” helps to reduce uterine tissue inflammation. Thus reduces painful heavy bleeding.


“Kalaunji”, “Ajwain” and “Hing” are the herbs that naturally reduce the spasmodic activity of muscles. Thus, it is helpful for reducing muscular cramps.

Dosage: Its dosage is two teaspoons full in a day. Females with menstrual problems should use it twice a day for at least 3 consecutive cycles to get remarkable benefits.

Side effects:

Mensolen syrup” has been designed after significant research. It has not reported any side effects yet.

Other Products: Vitex capsules and mensolen syrup are not only the best but the unmatchable treatment for painful periods and migraines. After 3, 4 months of use of these medicines you will feel at ease and change in your life. Vitex capsules are also best for heavy bleeding along with maca root but in the case of leucorrhea replace maca root with ashwagandha and spearmint tea.

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